I have set out to learn all I can about E.C.E because I think one of my
ferrets may have it. We saw the Vet today and he said there is no test
for this, but we should take all precautions.
She received LR sub Q and Amoxicillin prophylacticlly for possible
secondary bacterial infections.  My little one is now quarantined in her
own cage and room at this time and I am feeding her Gerber's baby food
chicken #2 and ferretvite.  No one else is showing any signs and symptoms.
She previously had green slimy poops, vomited twice and is slightly
lethargic.  She now has yellow runny "bird seedy" poops, which I learned
is maldigested food/fat?  Ferret Central had some really good sites.
I was wondering is E.C.E communicable to other animals such as dogs or
cats?  Also is a ferret contiguous up to 6 months or a year?  Do baby
ferrets get E.C.E?  I heard that under 6 months of age it is rare for
them to get it and was wondering why.  Is this natural immunity?
If you had a adult and it had E.C.E 6- 9 months ago and is showing no
signs or symptoms currently and a baby of about 8-9 weeks was brought in
contact with this adult, would the baby eventually catch it as it got
older?  What age would this approximately be?
How long is appropriate to isolate babies or other new arrivals?  Now even
if no signs or symptoms are apparent, they can still be shedding the virus
and or be carriers?
What is the best cleaner to use?  I heard 1% bleach.  Is this o.k and can
it be diluted with water and be used in a spray bottle?
The virus is passed in fecal matter, is it also in salvia, urine?  Can it
be air-borne and how long does it survive away from the host on inanimate
I heard E.C.E is 100% contiguous. Is this true? And eventually all of my
ferrets will catch it.
Once a ferret has had E.C.E will they always be susceptible to intestinal
problems due to chronic irritability of the mucosal lining.  Will they
have flare-ups with stress or other illness?
I would really appreciate any answers or comments because I am scared to
Thank you,
Suzi Lambert
P.s I have posted this in more than one list and I apologize if anyone
has to see it more than once.
[Posted in FML issue 3746]