I went in for my surgery on Thursday.  My eye socket still wasn't clean
enough to do the fat graft so we'll have to do that next Friday.  Dr.
Taylor was very pleased with me and told mommie that he's so happy to see
what a fighter i am.  he said that he's only rarely seen a ferret at my
age (6ish) so happy and full of life even though i have so much going on!
We took in a new little girl from one of the Humane Societies.  Her name
is Bijoux (Bea-ju).  Sebastian & Sasha have adjusted really well and play
nicely with Mandrake and Chatty Cathy.
The pet show went well.  mommie let me go on Sunday so she could make sure
i got all my meds and keep an eye on me.  we raised almost $500 over the
weekend <happy dance>
Pomper went to his new home with a great family and 3 other ferrets.
Joey & Jewel went to a home in North Bay (about 5 hours from us) and will
be happy to play with their new doggie friend.  We've all been sad 'cuz
auntie Bonnie & Uncle Nigel lost another one of their kids.  They all
have been through so much lately.
Love, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
[Posted in FML issue 3745]