I wanted to share a cute story...well it's not really a story but sweet
Ok...the other night, Spice was sleeping in her tent on the fourth level
of her cage.  Now, one thing you have to know, Spice is almost a year old
and she is the sweetest ferret I have met (we have had her since she was
7 weeks old).  She is the reason I have 4 more and help the shelter!  She
has NEVER BIT.  She is not a cuddlier or really a kisser but her looks
make you give her anything and everything she asks for.  And she loves to
wake her daddy up by doing the lick lick bite on his legs and feet.
So, she was sleeping in her tent and then suddenly ran down to the third
level.  She put her head in the litter box and threw up.  She stayed there
until she was pretty much done.  By then we were over at her cage trying
to calm her and make sure that she was ok.  She takes her head out of the
box, does a little surf then runs for the box again to throw up.
I have never seen or heard of a ferret being this polite and sweet.  I
just wanted to share this with you.
And yes, she is ok.  Think she just had to many treats the day before.  By
the next morning she was fine.
Spice, Pepper, Bugs, Dodge, Kuri
Shelter Kids:  Buster and Stinker
[Posted in FML issue 3743]