I was a little upset about sunny's post yesterday.  Maybe I am taking it
wrong, but not all of us agree that our fuzzies should not be caged.
Some of us believe that it is for their own protection.  I feel that many
people come to this sight looking for help and it is people like you that
make us think twice before we ask.
I guess I am a nimcompoot... I cage my ferrets, i feed them all dry food
(Totally Ferret).  And yep I make them keep the same hours as me.  Anytime
I want to play they are more then willing.  They are happy to see me.
If you think half the people on the post are nincompoops, and you
obviously seem to know all there is to know about Ferrets......then why
are you bothering with us?  I rarely speak up on this sight, only if i
have a question or concern, but most of these people make me feel
comfortable about the questions I ask.  They go out of their way to show
you where you can get additional information.  I studied about ferrets
before i made the decision to bring them into my home.  I tried to learn
all i could first.  Lots of things pop up that weren't in books.  I am
happy to hear that you have never had a ferret not die before the age of
10.  CONGRATS!  But that doesn't mean that the people who have lost their
little ones earlier have done something wrong.  And I believe that you
were implying that very thing.
I have one baby who has already had adrenal disease at the age of 2.
The vet said that he was sick from day one.  He is inbred, had a very
bad virus (puss on the back of the throat) that had to be surgically
removed... but I have always taken care of him.  I would do anything for
the little guy.  He probably wont live to the age of 10 but I am certainly
going to give it my best.  There is nothing I could have done to prevent
his illness's, But i certainly will do everything I can to Get him better.
That is what being a good ferret mom is about.
I am sorry this is so long but I really feel as if this person purposely
wanted to set off flames, or hurt others feelings.
Thanks for letting us Ramble
[Posted in FML issue 3743]