I was asked to add things on ADV to this, but I think that others here who
have experience with this illness are more capable on that score.  It
would be GREAT if such write-ups also allowed free re-use (with provisions
such as no alterations, of course) so that newsletters, magazines, or
websites could either put the two next to each other or could run them in
sequential issues.  The original request came form an FML member so you
wouldn't have to worry about it being missed, either.  Just title it
something like: "Pocket Primer II" or some better play on the title and --
Bingo!  -- bases will be covered!
(For those who don't know, posts are the property of posters under
copyright laws (except when otherwise defined by a forum) so permissions
ARE needed for re-use and alterations are big no-nos except when permitted
by the authors.  A lot of folks are ignorant of that stuff, but need to
know it.  It's why Steven King could dare to do an internet book, and why
newspapers and the like are no longer afraid to be on the internet.)
>lymphoma (lyphosarcoma?)
You can use the terms pretty interchangeably.
>I amcurious if anyone knows who I would have to talk to about getting a
>vet to release or at least let me see my ferret's bloodwork.  So far the
>prosecuting attorney's office and the Better Business Bureau claim that
>this is not their jurisdiction.
I am not a lawyer so this may be incorrect but here is the little I have
heard about such things secondhand.  You have legal right to what you paid
for, BUT do NOT have legal right to what you did not pay for.  If you
don't own it but it is a needed supporting document for a legal case,
you can see about forcing it to be made available as evidence but not for
your ownership.  It belongs to whomever paid for it.
>Ok, I hate to admit it, but as I sit here with less then 4 hours sleep,
>again, my eyes puffy, itchy, and sore, with all my babies running around
>and digging in the couch (GRR!) I have to say, I think Im allergic to the
>kids!  That or something in the couch!!  Again, that could the kids.
Or something blowing in the wind, or mold spores or mold toxins (not
an allergy with the toxins) from mold growing someplace undetected,
or the perfume in your shampoo is starting to get to you, or...
Sources of allergies can be hard to track down.
-- Sukie
For ferret health info:
[Posted in FML issue 3743]