Hello to all, I thought I would give an update on how our sick little
baby Magic is doing.
Its been about three weeks now, and he is doing really wonderfully!  He's
put on lots of weight and is growing like a weed!  He is just starting to
eat some crunchy food, but still isnt overly keen on the idea, that I dont
blame him for though, I bet the wet food is much more tasty.  Im hopeing
to get him to the vet again at the end of the month when we bring in one
of our hedgehogs (He's loosing his quills poor boy!!)
Last week Magic lost his baby teeth, and I accually got to keep one of
his molars!!  Which is so very special :) Im guessing they usually just
swallow the teeth that they loose as I havent found others in his little
Speaking of his little house, as some may remember I was keeping him in
a carrier for a medium sized dog, (Its really quite large).  Well, I set
him up a hammie and he loves playing in there with his toilet paper roll
or little stuffed horse which he scruffs and beats up :) He's yet to be
intergrated in with the rest of our kids, but all of them come and visit
him, with Miss Belly Belle usually sleeping with him through the day.
Im going to wait another couple of weeks for Magic to get some weight and
size on him, before including him with the other kids in the cage.  He
seems really fond of his little home, and also Otto our alpha ferret can
sometimes play a little rough.  Every time he has been near Magic he
practically leaps at the kid to get a hold of his scruff so he can give
him a shake and drag him off.  While I dont mind the dragging and a little
shake..  and the scruffing, and yelping that goes along with it (Ive seen
it happen all the time with my other kids) I just want to make sure Magic
has the energy and strength to deal with it.
I do have one question for you knowledgable folks, have you any idea what
a yellowish poop might mean?  This one had some mucus/slime with it.
Magic only passed it tonight, and so I will be watching him carefully.
I am somewhat worried this might have something to do with his ulcer and
the crunchy foods.
The next thing I wanted to just give a mention to, is something I found
on ebay while looking at cage prices ..  Someday I want to get the kids a
big house, and this is the closest I get to window shopping.  Anyway, the
site is -
[Moderator's note: Access to above requires iGive.com "membership."  BIG]
Its a cage, with ferrets included!!  I was surprised to see this..  and
just thought I would mention it..  I hope all goes well with these kids..
*Little bit of worry worry there*
Another little gem I found.. which Im sure many of you may know about, is
Petfinder Classified
I was looking through the list of animals in need of homes, and they had
quite a few fuzzies listed..
the address there is
With Dooks Snuggles and Raisins for all,
Otto-bo-botto, Belly Belle, Le Jacque, Bosley Monster, Mr. Max, and Baby
Ive just realized that the address I gave in my privious post just gives
the main page.  If you do a search for ferret cage, you will find the
listing.  Its a Cage with Ferrets included.  The seller's ID is
[Moderator's note: Looks like the URL is
Listed under rodents, no less.  Since it's against eBay's policies to
sell live animals you had better look fast before it's delisted.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3742]