Ok, I hate to admit it, but as I sit here with less then 4 hours sleep,
again, my eyes puffy, itchy, and sore, with all my babies running around
and digging in the couch (GRR!) I have to say, I think Im allergic to the
kids!  That or something in the couch!!  Again, that could the kids.
Now, let me say right here and now, there is no way my kids are going
anywhere..  I love each and every one of them to death and I could sooner
cut off my left arm then get rid of one of my babies.. so that's just not
an idea, but that said, MY EYES ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!
Ok, so we are, 6 ferrets, 3 long haired cats, 2 hedgehogs, in a one
bedroom apartment, its pretty clean..  at least for the majority of the
time, and I do try to fight down the dust..  this situation isnt about to
change in the near future, so..  I would LOVE, absolutely be sublimely
overjoyed if anyone, anyone of you wonderful folk might have some
suggestion as to how I can ease or illiminate my sore swollen itchy eyes!!
Im already taking Claritin..  or one of those over the counter allergy
medicines, and I am also using Aveeno in an attempt to quell the itching..
but if anyone has any suggestions at all..  I would really appriciate it.
Like I said, the kids aint going no where!  This is there home!!  And so
its me that is going to have to deal with getting over this.
I guess one thing Im lucky to have is lots of love from kids and hubby
alike, and they think Mommy looks nice all red and puffy eyed.. :P
One other quick thing..  anyone got any ideas at all about how to keep
kids out of the couch??  Ive duct taped and taken the legs off ours, and
I still have kids digging their way in and foam everywhere!!  (Im so
worried one will eat it and get a blockage!!  So far we have been lucky..
Hugs Dooks and Raisins for all
Cheryl and the horde!
[Posted in FML issue 3742]