Been reading up on Bach's Floral Essence Rescue Remedy.  It is an calming
treatment for upset animals and people.  I've heard good things about
using it on biting ferrets and fearful or upset dogs.
I also came accross something called an Anxiety Wrap.  Looked like an ace
bandage wrapped around a dog or cat's chest and abdomanal area.  It is
supposed to have calming properties.  Just looks like the animal is being
wrapped up tight, but not uncomfortabley with a stretchy bandage.  While
my dog might hold still for it and let me experiment on her, I'm not sure
my ferets would.
Would either of these be safe to use?  Is anyone in the group familiar
with these techniques and can comment on them.
I'm still looking at techniques for working with upset animals.  I must
say the techniques for socializing wild animals as household pets have
worked best so far.
[Posted in FML issue 3742]