Hi, all.  I haven't posted in awhile, but I have been lurking-it's been
all I can do to keep up with the reading lately with my work schedule.
Thanks again to everyone who sent condolences on Renate-if I didn't get
back to you, there were at least three email addresses that no longer
worked when I got around to replying to everyone, so thank you and sorry
I missed you personally.  I also neglected to thank SOS and Kouri's Fan
Klub and all the folks who make those happen for all their support!
As many of you know, one of the two ferrets I rescued in November passed
awawy on Good Friday this month.  Due to my small income and big
expenditures lately, I have not been able to donate much the SOS or many
ferret shelters, etc., recently, which I feel terrible about.  However,
I'm still reeling from Renate's bills...
But I was hoping you might be able to help me out with a needy.  homless
ferret who is about a year old.  I work at a vet clinic in Worcester, MA
and we recently had a client who took in a homeless ferret from someone
(circumstances a little fuzzy here, no pun intended) and gave it to his
sons.  The sons live with their mother, who is moving them to Alabama
today and won't let them take the ferret.  The father apparently shares
one room with two other guys and cannot take it in himself, even for one
They brought this ferret in to see us in March-it had a swollen, red
cherry eye that we treated with terramycin (no other treatment affordable
by owner at that time) and there was a question of a mass under the
conjunctiva.  The ferret had a short history of sneezing and coughing,
but eating okay, active, etc.  We detected multiple abdominal masses, a
bladder mass and turgid/swollen lymph nodes under the jaw.
Labwork showed hyperplasia/lymphoid neoplasuia, but lymphoma could not be
ruled out.
The best way to determine if this ferret has lymphoma and if it has a
treatable condition is via exploratory surgery.  The owner was willing to
pay for half the surgery costs and other treatments with a new owner, but
could not keep the ferret himself or pay for the entire treatment.
Today he showed up on our doorstep at the hospital with the ferret, saying
his sons were moving TODAY and the mother wouldn't take care of the
ferret.  He lives with two other guys in one room and could not even keep
the ferret one night, so he says.  Our hospital's owner was not in today
to consult with her if we could hospitalize the ferret for one night while
I tried to get it a home or foster home, and I couldn't take her myself
not knowing what she had and whether or not it could be transferred to my
little guys.
Long and short is that the ferret was at least taken to the Worcester
Rescue League, but can only stay there till they close tomorrow night
before they will euthanize her b/c they are not a hospital and cannot take
care of undiagnosed, not instantly-treatable animals.  I hate the idea of
her being put to sleep before anyone's even found out what's really wrong
with her; she may be perfectly treatable, though she may not be.  Her eye
has responded to terramycin treatment and is still swollen and red, but
much better looking and she can move it now.
My question is, would anyone be willing to help by donating money towards
her diagnostic surgery/testing in order to give her a chance?  We're
looking at about $500 or so, and the owner said he can provide at least
half of that.  I can at least buy all her meds, food for awhile.  Is
there anyone willing to foster her or take her in if she is treatable?
Please help-I wish I could do it myself, but I don't have the money or
facilities to do it alone....
Thanks so much.
Email me directly if you can help!
ASAP!!!!  She will put to sleep Tuesday no matter what if I can't get her
[Posted in FML issue 3768]