Hello everyone out there it's me Josiah back from the frolic.  Boy did I
have fun I was a best man at the wedding of Mr. Belvedere the butler and
Miss June the upstairs maid.  Everyone was dressed up in their finest.
Found a human preacher and he did the honor of marryintThe two love
ferrets.  Mr Belevdere decided he might change his mind as he took is
frock coat and flipped it across the floor, but once he saw his beautiful
bride he was a gentlemen.  She did look kinda cute .WIll have ask Miss
Callie if she would like to bezed married.  She sure is sweet.
Now have one last update.  The Thank yous.  A special thank you to the
membership of the Educated Ferret for all the timel, love and patience
working on the food and bake sale table.  To Judy for printing up our
special raffle tickets and keeping the people happy at the bake sale
table.  To the shelter Mom Diane and foster Moms for all there time and
patience in asstising with the ferrets so our rescue Mom could cooridenate
the frolic.  The other people with special thanks were Jill on the
admittence table and the special ladies that helped her.  A thank you to
Mark for running the contest and The sky water was real heavy all morning.
You see humans do not like to get wet.  We were safe and dry inside and
had a lot of fun.  The entertainment was worth a real big thank you .  The
Blue Man group played a weasel ward dance tune and Diddles song was done
as a skit.  The humans sure did like it.  The best human weasel war dance
was real good.  Only had two humans brave enought to do it., and they
realy did a good job.  The cup tip was different as instead of tipping the
cup the ferret that did the funniest thing with the cup won.  Some ferrets
sure can be silly.  Some humans too.  The ferrets special thank you goes
to the guest speakers, Dr Karen Purcell and Alicia from Ferret Wise for
helping to educate the ferret moms and dads on our health care.  The
humans special thank you to all the people who presented the food for the
day.  Thank you to our guest host Venessa from Fact for providing out
program.  Oh my Da Ma Ma is falling asleep on the chair and I need to
find my hammoch cause were all tuckered out.
Guess I will just have to write one more update tomorrow cause want to
finish my job real good.  Just have to find the hammoch being real tired.
Catch you then.
Thank you
Your friend Josiah
Night Night!  Got to do my job right.
[Posted in FML issue 3767]