Hi To All Furry Parents,
I don't post much in here but I do read allot.  I just had to post
something and I hope it no one takes it offensively.
I read so much about people concerned about their belongs, ""carpet,
couch, mattress, and so on.  I really believe that every pet store that
has ferrets should make the person wanting to buy kits or older ferrets
go through a training class, or watch a film on their behavior patterns.
We have 9 kids and They Are Our Kids ... *S* ..  Everytime I hear someone
say I really would like to get a ferret, I intervene but asking them if
they have ever had the pleasure of being owned by a ferret, if not would
they like to come to my home first.  No I don't work in a pet store.  but
I what time I do spend in one I'm always around the fuzzbutts.
We have changed Apt Mgrs. and PetSitters around on a 180 degree turn.  We
have shown our renting corporation that ferret are one of the best pets
for apt.buildings.  Our Apt Building charges no deposit for ferrets.  Our
Mgr. here says that we should be Ambassadors for Ferrets ...LOL... We
have no Odors of fuzzies..  really makes me mad when people say they
smell.  Clean hammies... clean litter boxes.... that's all it takes.  We
have people that stand at door way..sniffing... and are really surprised
to hear we have 9 fuzzies.
Hubby got an idea from a shelter ... to build an open play area for the
kids.  while away they have their own play area ... while at home they run
free.  And Guess What I few people that have seen our play pen have even
built one them selves but for Puppies.
OK Sorry for rambling on ..just really gets to me when people get pets and
then complain about the damage they do.... EXCUSE ME!!!!  but these are
Animals... Creatures that were originally for the wild.  all furry kids..
chew..  dig... bit ... destroy at one time or another...giggles... but
you wanted them they didn't ask to be placed with you.  So what is your
problem.  Sorry ...I know I should Be Patient, Be Calm, Be Understanding.
I just wish there were laws that people would have to take test before
getting a fur kid.
Again My $.02
[Posted in FML issue 3767]