I posted this yesterday but thought of a couple more questions....
- descented?
- spayed/neutered?
- If the ferret died from an accident, what happened (just a brief
- Did the ferret drink bottled or filtered water?
Also, for surgeries and health problems....please list all that you know
of, whether they were with you or not.
Here was the original post in case you need it.
Ok...I may be in WAY over my head...but figured this would be interesting
to find out and I am willing to do the work on it.
I would like to do a study on average age of ferrets and what they die
from.  There are several questions.  You will have to do a separate one
for each ferret.
Your name (just for my records):
Ferrets Name:
Ferrets Age when you got him/her:
Where did you get the ferret from:
Ferrets past history (shelter ferret, abused, neglected...):
Food fed:
Were there other ferrets in the house with this ferret?
     If yes, list how many:
Any other animals?
     If yes, list types and how many:
Any previous health problems?
Any previous surgeries?
Average temperature in the summer and winter where you live(d) with
Average temperature that you kept inside the house that the ferret
lived in:
Was the ferret on medication before he/she died?
    If yes, what types:
Ferrets age when he/she died:
Died from:
Was he/she helped to the bridge?
Date of death (or at least the year):
Please remember, even if you had a ferret that died from an accident, I =
would like to list that.
I guess I need to put a time limit on this.....How about June 3, 2002.
This should give everyone time to get the information together.
Please DO NOT post the response here.  Send it to my email at
[log in to unmask]  This way the FML doesn't get a lot of messages
about this.
When I have completed the survey I will post it either on FML or on a
website (depending on how I can format it).  It should be done by July
If you are a shelter...I would love to have you do this too if you can.
I would like EVERYONE that has had a ferret die to do this if you can.
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3765]