We used to have a problem with our fuzzies getting under our couches.
Both couches are the kind that fold out into beds, and are a playground
for ferrets.  They would get under them and then in them and only time
could get them out.  Luckily, both couches have a "border" around the
bottom.  That is, the fabric hangs down to the floor.  I went to one of
those large hoe supply stores and bought enough of the black corrugated
plastic that is meant for yard drainage.  It comes in either 8 or 10 foot
lengths.  I believe the 4 inch size was a perfect fit.  Just cut the
plastic tile to fit VERY snuggly between the legs.  Lift the couch
slightly to position the tile and the couch will then hold it in place.
I did both ends, front, and back.  The "fringe" hides the tile.  No one
will ever know it is there.
An added benefit is that the ferrets LOVE IT.  By placing the tile at the
front and back far enough out that they can crawl into it, they now have
four new tunnels to explore.  Show them how to do it a couple of times,
and they will crawl through on their own during play time.  You know where
they are because you can hear their little toe nails clicking through the
tile.  You still have to watch that they don't crawl on the couch and then
disappear between the cushions, but that is a lot easier to control than
keeping them from going underneath.
Another tip....we use rabbit pellets for litter.  None of our fuzzies has
ever even tried to taste them.  The pellets are cheap, have a pleasant
smell, absorb nicely, and are biodegradable.  I just pitch the whole
litter box contents onto the lawn.  Have used them for years and never
had a problem in the litter box or on the grass.
Charles, Aggie, Donna, Snowball and Valentine
Missing Cujo and Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 3765]