Hi all,
Greetings from the fuzzy 6 in Florida.  I was reading the list this
morning and a post about distemper vaccines caught my eye.  My first three
ferrets, (bandit,slick and rusty) were all given the Galaxy-D distemper
as long as I had them, which wasn't very long but anyways....Snowball,
Snickers(I have adopted them and their previous owner had gotten the
Fervac with no side effects) and Dusty all had gotten the ferVac.  Last
year when we were living in MAryland, the vet that we took the crew to
said that they only gave the ferVac but they could premed my other 3 with
a shot of Benadryl.  I am a big believer in causing my babies as little
stress as possible at the vet so I proceeded to get Snowball, Snickers,
and Dusty the FerVac and that weekend drove to my parents house in PA and
had the orginal 3 vaccinated with the Galaxy-D.  All 3 are not due again
until Dec but I am not sure what I should do about the distemper shots.  I
certainly can't drive home to PA for the Galaxy-D.  I just worry about the
first 3 getting an allergic reaction to the fervac.  I was also told that
vets can order the galaxy-d.  Personally I would like to just keep Bandit,
Slick and Rusty on the Galaxy-D.  Any advice here would be great.
I think I told everyone this already but my 6 just recently made the trip
from PA down to FL but now I think Dusty might have caught a cold from the
air conditioning.  We usually don't leave it on but I wanted to keep the
ferts comfortable so I leave it at 72 but still cover the top of their
cage with a blanket.  He is having short sharp little coughs every now and
then.  He is eating,drinking,pooping and playing just fine and his little
nose is wet and cool, eyes and ears look great.  I am not sure if I should
take him to the vet or what.  My husband thinks it is a combo between the
air conditioner and the carpet.  we just had carpet put in Dec and it
fuzzes up pretty easily...since Dusty likes to dig, Matt thinks he
swallows the fibers.  I make sure he gets his laxatone just to be safe.
well any thoughts on either subject will be much appreciated!!
Tracy & the fuzzy 6 (Bandit....give me that sock, Slick..the best ferret
ever, Rusty...stop escaping, Snowball...the drama queen, Snickers....stop
tenderizing my arm, and Dusty........AKA Furzilla!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3764]