I am receiving info of all kinds that takes hours to look up and read.
Here is what I am getting down to in my understanding.
!.  NZ need FMLs help, but do not seem sure just what should be written
yet.  They have 2 months of time to fight the ban or petition it and win,
or pet ferrets will be banned in NZ.  Is this correct?
2.  Domestic and feral cats and dogs damage the eco system of NZ, as well
as stoats and feral ferrets.  But because of the 5 leashed ferrets found
being walked on a beach off of NZ where no ferrets were allowed-the public
outcry was so great that politicans decided to ban ferrets.  Is this
2.IF the ban goes through...People currently owning ferrets can keep
them-but get no others.  Stores can sell those they have-but get no more
in.  Breeders can continue breeding but cannot sell the ferrets in NZ.
Is this correct?
3.Ferrets are being singled out unfairly -and this is what we would be
To give you an example of how unfair the situation is-a govt. official
has a cat that he allows lose on an island he and the cat live on that he
is not supposed to live on because of how delicate the eco-system is.  Yet
the cat is allowed to kill animals on this delicate, off limits island.
No one bats an eye at this!  Cats kill a number of birds on the island,
and are destroying the ecosystem.  But nothing is being said about them
being banned.  It is the ferret being singled out here.  It may well be
unconstitutional.  iS THIS CORRECT?
4.New Zealanders: let the FML know if there are any studies on cats and
dogs and stoats on the island.  What is being done about the damage they
5. Feral ferrets apparently are greatly disliked in NZ by many people and
the press, and called vermin.  They-along with other animals-do hurt the
eco-system.  Ferrets in New Zealand do not have the popularity of a cat
or dog.  So they are being singled out.
6. In England, ferrets wear radio collars.  Could this be something done
with cats and ferrets and dogs left on the island to be fair to everyone?
Could laws be toughened against people bringing cats or dogs or ferrets
to the islands off the coast of NZ instead of ferrets being banned?
People from NZ are afraid of giving their names because of the ban terror.
Please find out how to write to the FML without using your name.  I don't
know how to do this.  Can anyone tell us?
*Let the FML know what you want from us please.  Do we write letters now
or hold off?  Let us know when the petition you want us to sign is ready
to read and sign.*
This is my first day back at work since being ill, and I am home early
because it was too early to go back.  I am writing this doubled over.  I
know that there is a way New Zealanders can write to ALL of us incognito.
Please ask BIG or others how to do this.  Write to everyone.  I have had
someone write here thinking I am making these things up-which does not
help the ferrets at all.
[Moderator's note: I don't really know what the issue about writing to the
FML is since existing ferrets won't be confiscated.  But in any case, if
people want to post anonymously they can do so on a case-by-case basis IF
and ONLY IF they are subscribers.  So subscribe and post.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3741]