I recieve emails from people who have deaf ferrets that are severe biters
much of the time.  I dont know if many of the biting in these ferrets can
be classified as classical fear biting or not.  I have never trained a
severe deaf biter (only a regular biter and that was long ago).  So I am
at a loss as to what to tell these people.  Please let me know if this
advice is okay.  I know its not enough for them, but at least let me know
if this advice will hurt or help.
I tell them that the ferret is in need of a few things such as learning
that "hands are nice", that they are going to treated consistently, that
they need to trust again, discipline, and a huge amount of patience.  I
tell them to of course use bitter apple.  Many of the times people find
this difficult if they have other ferrets (they don't want to affect their
kisses...so I tell them to try and have alone sessions in those cases).
I tell them about time outs.... time out areas, and how long to do them
and such.  I tell them about scruffing, the face, the no, sigh.... the
dragging too.  I tell them to be consistent and has hard as that can be
its a must.  If one is using time outs, use them all the time, etc..  I
tell them the ferret will probably benefit from a multi leveled approach.
I other words, use the scruffing, plus the cage all at the same time, and
the bitter apple on your hands.  Most of all I tell them to have sessions
to show them that they are not going to hurt them and to gain their trust.
I tell them hardest of all.....is showing patience.  I tell them to try
not to overreact when it happens and to be very matter of fact iwht the
discipline.  I tell them sometimes you can be in this for the long haul...
months perhaps much longer.
I have been wanting to make a page to teach about biters.  About deaf
biters.  But I can't if I've never experienced one.  If someone ever hits
me with good experience or advice that I really really like, I'd like to
ask them if I can make a page about it for my deaf site giving them full
credit.  It's really needed you guys.
I wanted to also ask, what are the reasons for biting, and ..  does this
affect how a ferret is trained?  For example, a ferret that bites from
traditional fear (fear biter), is that different than a ferret that bites
out of aggression and lack of social skills.  Is that further different
than a ferret that bites out of surprise fear (such as a deaf ferret being
snuck up on)?  I mean many would say, "then don't scare the ferret".  But
hey lots and lots of deaf ferrets out there are surprised, and scared at
a sudden appearance of a hand or something....it doesn't mean they lash
out and bite.
Any help would be appreciated.  I think many people would like to know
advice about this, even on this list.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3764]