Hey Ferret Families!
I don't know which news to give first, although the bad news was NOT news
to me, I "knew" it all along.  My baby Nikki does in fact have Adrenal(My
Oldest girl, Princess had her A. surgery 3 mos ago)  I feel like I should
open an Adrenal recovery hospital.  Nikki never had the "typical" hair
loss pattern, her fur was just thin.  I kept trying to convince myself
that, Nah, she's too young, but the dreaded Adrenal monster know no
ferret too young or too old to wrap his wretched claws around.
Nikki is just such a little squirt, so "full of it" I call her my A.D.H.D.
ferret!!  I just hate to see her go through all of this.  I know she'll
get better.(I didn't think Princess would because she was older but she's
doing GREAT!) but I have lost 2 to adrenal so I know it can go either way.
Please pray for my Nikki.
Now the good news, which may ease my heart.  My fuzzy family is going to
have a brother!!!  If you've all been following my story with Lucky and
the Pet Company you'll know that Mr. Ketcham, director of livestock has
been more than kind to me.  He has done everything in his power to rectify
the situation.  It's almost finished.  But in his kindness, he wants to
give me a kit.  Which being the absolute ferret freak that we all are(AND
I LOVE BABIES!) I said yes.  He assured me and I him that in no way does
this replace Lucky and the special little guy he was AND still is.  But
it will ease my heart in that I will be able to raise this baby, happy,
healthy to his full ferret potential.  Mr. Ketcham is calling me next week
to set up the "delivery" of my baby.  Here's where y'all come in, I hope.
I would like this little guy to have a very special name, a name that is
in a way a remembrance of the circumstances that he came to me.  In
someway connected to Lucky.  In a way, mindful of the accomplishment of
the "Quest" to bring justice for Lucky, as a tribute to him.  The only
name I could think of was "Justice" but I don't know 'bout that one.
This "fight" was a fight for all ferrets, and ferret lovers.  Things are
going to be done.  Things are going to be changed.  At least that what Mr.
Ketcham and the Vice-president of the Pet Company have promised me.  In
fact he was adamant about that.  I am a mouse of a person.  Someone says
"Boo" to me and I cry.  I cannot believe this happened.  I stood up for
something and they listened.  What happened to Lucky was just not right,
and I got mad.  But it was a different kind of mad.  I don't know where
it came from but I do know that I would not have been able to go through
with it without all of your support and encouragement.  God Bless you all.
So Lucky, We're getting a little brother, let him know with your ferret
esp how much we will love him.  This is almost over and I will let you
know what happened to the mean man that hurt you.  Because of you, it
WON'T happen again (at least not in this pet store chain!)
Sue & Crew, Princess, Tori, Oscar, Sammy, & Nikki
From the Bridge, Smokey, Bandit, Boots Samantha, & Precious boy Lucky
[Posted in FML issue 3763]