>We were playing with them when my husband suddenly looked at me and said,
>he's a LOT smarter than we thought!  He puts on a show of a half-hearted
>attempt to do something that the other ferrets can do with a little
>effort.  Then he lays down and look sad and pathetic, always looking
>STRAIGHT AT US, until we feel sorry for him and lift him out of the cage,
>or open the door for him, or pick him up to set him where the others are
>jumping to, or get his toy down for him, etc.  This whole time he's had
>us trained, AND WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!
Shannon, thanks for the explanation.  I've always wondered about my wonder
boy Max (albino) and his *brain power* - he acts the same way Sterling
does - but now I know better - they just know how to get OUR attention
better than the rest.  : )
[Posted in FML issue 3762]