Hi all
Sorry some of these are late but my hooman worked very late yesterday and
didn't turn on their computer so I wasn't in contact with them.
A little girl named Maxine came in today.  I gave her da tour of da place
and showed her all da sights and atrractions.  She had to stop by da Fruit
Bar and get some rasins.  She ate quite a few too.  Then it waz off to
romp and run through da Fields and play.  She soon found several others
out there to romp with and a very intense game of tag was started.  They
ran and ran and soon they forgot who waz it.  They seemed to have a lot
of fun at it though.  After all da exercise they had to go over to Hammock
Haven to get a nap.  She said she will be here when you arrive and to take
your time as there seems to be a lot to do and explore so it will take
some time.  She said to send her luv and lots of kisses and hugs.
A little guy named Dixie came in later.  I gave him da tour and showed him
all da sights and attractions.  He made a small stop at da Fruit Bar to
get some rasins and try out some of da other stuff and then it waz off to
Dirt Mountain to dig a big hole in da ground.  He dug and dug and soon had
a fairly large hole.  Several others stopped by to watcha and soon were
helping him dig.  I suggested they dig tunnels and stuff for a den to
sleep in and soon everyone waz tunneling every which way.  They had quite
an elaborate tunnel system going but none of it connected together.  It
will take some time to figure it out and get it all connected together but
he didn't seem worried in da least as he said he had lots of time.  He
said to send lots of luv and hugs to hiz mommy.
A while back I had puter problems and did not get all of da listings from
my hooman.  They also had diffculties and did not get da listing regular.
This is not an excuse but your message must have slipped though.  I
thought I had all of them but I guess not.  For this I apologize and will
remedy it right now.  Again I am sorry
I checked in da puter for Bear Ryan and found him over at da Wrestling
Matches watching everyone wrestle.  We sat and talked for some time.  He
said he waz doing well here and waz as happy as he could be without you
here.  He said he had been dabbling in da wrestling and had been doing so
so.  He won some and he lost some.  But he said it waz fun anyway.  He
said he misses you bunches and will be here when you get here.  He said
there is lots to explore and plenty of things to do so he isn't bored and
to take your time.  He passed on hiz luv and lots of big ferrety kisses
and hugs.
I looked up Zues, Hermes in da puter thingy.  I found them over at da
Crazy Kars zooming around da track at breakneck speed.  I waited til they
were done and then had a small talk with them.  They all said they were
very content here.  They said they would not really call it happy as you
can't be happy without your hooman but they were as happy as they could
be.  They said there waz lots to do and they kept buzy while they waited
and made da time go by.  They said they missed you and passed on lots of
luv and kisses.
I looked up Stinky, Powder and Ming in da puter and they were over at da
Tube Park racing through da practice tubes for da fun of it.  They said
they missed you a lot but were contentd here.  There is lots to explore
and lots to do to keep buzy.  They said they await your arrival here but
until then they will make lot of friends and enjoy themselves as much as
they can here.  They say they watch in da Reflecting Pool to keep up with
what is going on.  They said to pass on their luv and kisses to their
I am off to da Reflecting Pool to check on home.  There are several things
going on I have to keep track of.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3762]