Kahlua, a foster ferret in the foster system of New England Ferret Foster,
Education, and Rescue, Inc (NEFFER) left for the Bridge on Monday at 4:00
pm.  Kahlua came into our foster system with her cagemates Nikki and Gypsy.
From the moment she was dropped off, Kahlua distinguished herself by
biting...hard, and not letting go!  She managed to nail everyone who
took care of her (she definitely believed in being fair!).  Kahlua was
a roly-poly little girl with a broad, flat head, Her jaw strength was
unbelievable.  Besides being roly-poly and quite the little porker, Kahlua
also has a strangely rigid abdomen.  When our vet palpated her, she felt
that something might be wrong, perhaps a tumor.  Exploratory was
Our vet called the president of NEFFER while Kahlua was still on the
table.  The report on Kahlua's condition was completely unexpected...that
rigidity was a huge tumor, that had grown out of her almost completely
intact uterus and reproductive system.  It was completely botched spay
that had resulted in a cancerous growth that was probably very painful
for her, and her hormones of course were completely screwy.  This lovely
combination of painful cancer and unchecked hormones undoubtedly resulted
in her biting habits that couldn't be brought under control.
Kahlua was spayed (competently this time).  Several days later, she
underwent a second operation to remove a kidney that had ceased to
function.  Two surgeries in one week left her weak and listless.  She was
hooked up to an IV for several days.  Officers from NEFFER visited her and
she looked very sorry for herself hobbling around the cage with the IV
taped to her leg!  She mended slowly, and had several trips back to the
vet to get sub-q fluids.  She ate sporadically.  One day we would be
heartened as she nosed around the crunchies and ate a few...the next day,
back to forcing liquid food with a syringe.
Kahlua couldn't seem to rally completely, and the only thing that perked
her up at all was being with her cagemates Nikki and Gypsy.  The bond
between all three of them was obvious, and when Kahlua was absent at the
vet's, Nikki and Gypsy wound themselves together in the hammock for
Over the past few days, Kahlua had been sinking.  Her remaining kidney
refused to kick in and do the job of two...although she urinated
frequently, it was mostly clear fluid.  She was not able to clear the
toxins in her system, and by Monday she was in pain.  Her vet and her
foster dad helped her to the bridge to ease her suffering.
Sandee, please welcome Kahlua and help her to find some friends.  She
left behind the only two ferret friends she had, and they still have each
other, but she may arrive feeling lonely because there is no one there
that she knows.  We hope she finds something good to eat, and that her
appetite is back.  Please let her know that everyone at NEFFER is saddened
by her departure, as we tried everything we could to help her have a
complete recovery.  Her kind vet gave her hours of time and attention (and
a very small bill that did not even begin to reflect the effort she put
into this little girl) but in the end Kahlua's little body just couldn't
take it.  She lived in discomfort for so long; we were hoping she had
some healthy, comfortable years ahead of her.  It was not to be.
Good-bye Kahlua, we wish you had been given more time on earth with us,
and a healthy body as well.
The officers and members of New England Ferret Foster, Education, and
Rescue, Inc
ps: yes, Kahlua WAS a Marshall Farms ferret!
[Posted in FML issue 3741]