I recently recieved the best gift a girl could get, a lovely little
ferret named Tomoyo.  She's the most laid back ferret I've ever met.
She plays well, doesn't really bite (She does some play grabbing but,
in my experience, all babies and juveniles are 'mouthy' critters, no
matter what species), and is settling in nicely.
At first, she showed very little of the natural instinct for digging.
Now, however, she's digging in just about anything she can.  This includes
her litter pan.  She doesn't use it for its intended purpose and I was
wondering if there were any training tips out there to get her to do so.
I've tride putting her droppings into the pan.  At first, she sniffed the
'litter'- which is the recycled paper product- and then left it alone.  A
while later, she was back to digging.  We spend a lot of time playing with
her and holding her, so she's very socialized, and both my husband and I
dearly love this little girl.  She's only been here for two days and she's
our baby.
Should I simply keep putting her droppings into the pan and hope that she
takes the hint or are there other methods that might work better?  Having
raised dogs all my life, I have to say that I'm at a loss on this one.
[Posted in FML issue 3761]