Hey Ferret fanatics!!
I thought I had laughed as hard as I possibly could when the adjusted
lyrics to "Hey Baby" hit the FML.  Then, I thought, oh this is it, tonight
I truly die laughing, when I read about the antics of the fuzzy with the
mouse on the elastic string.  Well, let me tell ya guys and girls, hobs
and jills, you haven't heard anything like the ball on the elastic string
I looked for the "mouse on the elastic string" and couldn't find one.  I
came across this hard small(ping pong ball size)soccer type ball on an
elastic string cat toy.  Hmm, I thought, this might work.  I hung it up
on the doorknob of my fuzzbutt's playroom and of course, my Sammy
investigated first.  He gave that ball a little push and 'round it went!
The look on Sam's face!  Hmm, I'll push it harder!  It went faster.  Sammy
started chasing that ball, round and round, faster and faster to the point
my husband couldn't watch anymore because he was getting dizzy!!  We
showed Sammy how to catch the ball, but when he did, the ball would slip
through his paws and escape again to start its round and round and round
flight.  I swear to you all, Sammy chased that thing for over 5 minutes.
I thought we were going to have to call 911 because we were going to have
heart attacks laughing so hard.  Ranks right up there with one of the top
10 depends moments.
When he finally wore himself out, he just flattened right there next to
the door looked at me like, "What is that possessed thing you brought
me???" I swear, his eyes were spinning!!!!
I picked him up and he just lay there in my arms, completely wiped out!(he
never lets me hold him for more than 3-5 mins, this time he fell asleep!!)
I don't think, in the 6 years that I have been controlled by fuzzies,
that I have ever laughed so hard.  Fuzzies are better for your heart than
exercise(and more fun too!)
And so, as Sammy sleeps peacefully, exhaustedly, with his four sisters, he
dreams of his round and round ball encounter.  And it, it hangs silently
now,ever so still on the doorknob waiting for it's next victim.  After
all, tomorrow IS another day!!
Sue & Crew Princess, Tori, Oscar, Nikki, and Sammy(What's that I hear?
Must capture round and round ball...must get round and round ball)Sammy
must be having nightmares!
From the Bridge  Smokey, Bandit, Samantha, Boots, and Little Lucky
[Posted in FML issue 3761]