The loud sound of thunder can be heard in the distance.  The rain is
pelting down.  You look all around and there are ferrets abounding,
jumping up, dooking at the rain.  Then......
Out of the mist you see the Hawg Harley coming in fast.  He is singing
loudly.  You may tink I'm crwazy..... But it's just what you want me to
be...... I even ride my motorcycle in da rain.
Hello my wittle Trophies.... Who is this with you today.... Oh a famous
ferret.... More famous than I???  I tink not!!!  It is Kouri, well I
have to admit Kouri is a pretty cool trophy.  He has done a lot for us
Wewl it is time to get on with my findings for today.  I found a website
about an auction.  There sure are a lot of those going on wately, but that
is coowl there are ferrets everywhere dat need the hewp.  This one is at this dude is auctionin off a famous
afghan.  It has been goin on for a whiwe now, but it is almost over.  So
if you want to maiwl in for your tickets you need to do it quick....
Then on eBay I found some reawly coowl things.
The first one is a Golden Pearl Ring.  It onwy has one day weft
The other is a Cwuster Diamond Ring.  It onwy has one day weft too.
Watter on trophies I am off to find other cool things on the information
super highway....
all that can be heard is the roar of the hawg as the Ferracle rides
off..... All the ferrets go back to dancing in the rain.
The Ferracle
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[Posted in FML issue 3759]