my son's ferret Rocky developed a 'rat tail'.  my best friend from high
school who has never owned a ferret said "i think that's an allergy'" i
said to her 'what do you know, you are a dog owner." she insisted to me
that Rocky's rat tail was (is) an allergy.  well, i was told that
ferretone isn't exactly good for ferrets, to give our guys linatone
instead.  well, 2ms AFTER we started giving them linatone, his tail
started growing back.  6ms later his tail was completely back.  our
guys are still getting linatone & are happy with it.
Leila Marcial -mom to 2 human males one of the a Soldier & the other a
sports fanatic.
and then there's Rocky, Weasle, & Bear our angel.
[Posted in FML issue 3757]