I had two mails today asking about links and about searching archives.
My list of useful health links, which was specifically requested, is
and further links are in the book marks section (to your left as you
look at the monitor) at:
as well as in these marvelous resources:
To use the FHL archives, go to:
then you can either go to co-moderator, Pam Sessoms, excellent write-up
in the FILES section (by clicking on the word "Files" to your left as you
look at the monitor), or you can use trial and error by just going near
the bottom of the home page and putting a word in the search box.  Yahoo
searches in chunks while going backward in time for the chunks sampled, so
if you have the search come up empty click on "Next" to search the next
chunk.  With over 12,000 posts in there do expect a number of chunks.
I do not recall if you need to be an FHL member to search.  To be able to
help the most ferrets possible there are many functions that can be used
by non-members, though not all can.  New folks can join at the website
(but be sure to later use the reply function for the memo Yahoo will send
that will allow you to get the digest form or you will get many mails), OR
by sending a blank mail to <[log in to unmask]>,
and then to get the digest form send a second later blank mail to
<[log in to unmask]>.
It is also possible to read messages at the FHL website by selecting
"Messages".  You can select them individually, or you can hit "Expand
Messages" to read in a list format on site.  The second is also useful
is Yahoo has placed an ad over needed text in the first.
You can find specific post numbers but putting the number into a "message
number" box that appears in the message pages.
BTW, it is just fine for folks to give the URLs (addresses) of specific
posts in notes to other lists, or to use short quotes, but posts can not
be carried anywhere in full or in large part without the permission of
the authors since doing so would be a copyright violation.  For example,
you could say that vet, Jerry Murray has a fine post on the transdermal
meds at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ferret-Health-list/message/12526
Do read the short list of rules before posting: we don't allow fights,
advertising, slamming, the names of treating vets (except as
recommendations that do not discuss treatments), quotes longer than what
you write, off topic posts, and few other things.  There are only a few
rules so they are easy to read and learn.
[Posted in FML issue 3756]