Hi Les and Eric,
>We've tried changing his food, etc all, but still no appetite.
Butter had ECE (we think) and now two years later will sometimes stop
eating.  I have noticed if we use the syringe and feed some of the AD
cat/dog canned food (prescription from the vet - $1.00 a can) it seems to
give him a lot more energy and he will sometimes start back on regular
food again.
If he still isn't eating enough we give him Gerbers Baby Food (2) [the
ones for older babies - the labels are blue] either chicken or turkey.
We warm half a jar in the microwave for 14 seconds (test for hot spots!)
and then feed it off our finger to him.  If he is really, really not
eating I stir in a little ferretone.  Dr. Williams is a good source on
feeding the sick ferret.
I also buy some kitten food and let him steal it.  Forbidden food is the
best.  When I hear him crunching I know he is getting better.
Hope this helps.
Butter "Mom is a good cook!"
Ginger "sniff "That stuff is for babies."
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Patti Higgins Realtor=AE, GRI, eCertified=AE
Prudential Vista
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[Posted in FML issue 3756]