Tara has supplied us with such great info.
I called the judge.  The message asks for the case number to call to leave
a message for the judge.  He must see thousands of cases.  I don't want
my message to be deleted by the person picking up messages for the judge
because I don't know the case number.  Can we get the case number?  Would
the newspaper be able to get that?  Is that personal info we will be
unable to get?
If we could get the case number, we can post Judge name and address, fax
number, and phone number again with the case number?  We might want to
ask the judge to follow Jen closely, as she IS a collector, and ask what
happened to all the cages.  If Jen still has them-she is probably
collecting again as we write.  It just might not be ferrets.
If Jen is on probabtion-I wonder where she is moving to.  I got the
impression it was out of state.  Would that be possible if she is on
probation?  If someone from the judges office calls me back, I will get
this info and pass it on myself.  Please do likewise.
What was the article here someone put on the FML showing Jen was already
collecting again that we read some months back?  She was advertising in a
newspaper somewhere?  The judge should be aware of that.  It could make
all the difference if there is any problem during the probation.
What will the probation consist of?  Probably nothing or not much.  Unless
a bunch of people write every few months to the court concerning this?
Let us use this momentum to do a very good work, and make sure we have our
info, apprise the judge in a respectful and concerned manner, and ask what
the probation of one year will consist of, and how it will be supervised
and enforced.
There was a sanctuary in Utah that Jen was talking to.  And PETA came
right out to help.  Because of those against PETA-perhaps we could get
the Utah sanctuary to also speak or write to the judge.
Does this seem the best way to make sure she is not out there secretly
collecting ferrets or another kind of animal to hurt this next year?  I
don't know how collectors think.  But collecting seems to be like an
addiction that cannot be stopped without therapy.  Many addictions
continue despite therapy and treatments.Jen may well be unable to stop
herself from collecting animals despite her message on the FML.
[Posted in FML issue 3756]