Jen, you must be joking.  It hasn't settled in yet (and probably never
will) that you've caused the death of many ferrets and the illness of
hundreds more?  I don't know how you can look yourself in the mirror
every morning.  You honestly blame the FML for making the rescues ill
during transport?  Amazing, it truly is.  I'm too thankful for words that
you can now take a break from "rescuing" and "sheltering" these STINKY
animals so you can spend more time with your family and friends.  It's
funny that you complain about the odor after cramming 200+ into a room
without tending to the cages properly (let alone tending to the overall
health of the ferrets).  Of course they STUNK, because of YOUR lack of
attention.  I have a small rescue and shelter and I assist two other
shelters in my area and I think I can speak for my ferret friends when I
ask you to please take the words RESCUE and SHELTER out of your signature
line.  The ferrets were rescued FROM you, lady.  So go be with your family
and friends now that you won't be bothered with the ferrets anymore...
ferrets everywhere thank you.  You haven't fooled the ferret community.
People all over this country are aware of the horrific display of neglect
you put forth.  I'm sure it's not just me sitting in front of my computer
with my jaw dropped open while I read your post to the FML today.
By the way, how many of those 3500 ferrets that you "rescued" survived the
experience of being in your care?  I have 5 ferrets of my own plus the
rescues and shelter babies that come through my doors and they've yet to
"destroy" my home.  It must be nice to have your own planet and to be
queen there.  How's the weather on Planet Jen?
I must suggest that you look into some sort of professional therapy.  The
picture you paint of reality is truly frightening and these days there
are many, many forms of medications and therapies that can help you.
On another subject, Sunny's posts are too funny for words!!!  For such a
ferret "expert", you sure have some interesting "knowledge".  By the way,
is Planet Sunny anywhere near Planet Jen?
[Posted in FML issue 3755]