We talk about helping out SOS and helping out the shelters that need it...
yet there was only one response to the $1.00 a month that was posted here
by me on the 15th.
>Here is my idea.  If everyone sends $1.00 a month to SOS that would be
>$3000.00 monthly!  Think of it as a monthly dues for being on the FML or
>for belonging to the best group in the world.
>Think of what that money would mean to all of the shelters out there?
>$1.00 a month won't break you.  You wouldn't even know it was gone.  We
>could have a "due date" and I could send out a reminder on FML to help
>remind everyone.  Or, I could do it by email if only a couple people
>wanted to participate.
Support Our Shelters
c/o Judith White
1236 Belfield Ave
Drexel Hills, PA 19026
I sent my $1.00 on the 15th....and yes...I little dollar?
How in the world is that going to help?  But you know what?  It does help.
Just ask SOS...or any shelter that has received donations from people.
Would you pay $12 a year to belong to this list?  I know I sure would.
Even through all of the flaming...there is so much love and support, most is worth more than that.  But
really, $12 a year is what I am asking that you send to SOS.  Break it
up into monthly payments....and it is only $1.00 a month.  Come
hard it is?
Yes, I am going to be a little nag about this....cause....well because
there is a group out there working really hard to help ferrets.  Ferrets
are what have joined us in love, hope, faith, but most of all, in
SOS has a website
They have a list of shelters on the site too.
So, for those of you that have sent off your one dollar to SOS....THANK
YOU!  The next due date is April 15, 2002.
Spice, Pepper, Bugs, Dodge and Kuri
[Posted in FML issue 3726]