Hello to everyone!
Well as you can tell by the subject of this post, things have turned
around a little for our Magic Man.
[Moderator's note: LOL -- the subject was blank :-)  I hope the one
I gave it will do.  BIG]
Last night was horrible.  I stayed awake throughout the night nursing
Magic on syrup and squeezing watery food into his little mouth.  Becoming
very dehydrated Magic slept in my shirt over my heart for the majority of
the time, or with his little head tucked under my chin so he could feel
my pulse and whispers.  At 10 he threw up hard for the first time, this
greatly alarming me of course.  He had been dealing with diahreah for 4
hours before that.  As the night wore on he threw up another 2 times, and
he only woke up to (I couldnt believe it hes just so wonderful and sweet)
look up at me and wiggle a little, telling me he had to go potty.  As the
night wore on, I also saw that there was some blood in his urine and so
needless to say I worried more.
At about 3am I called the emergency vet and burst into tears when I was
told how much a conseltation was, and the emergency fee.  It would cost
100 dollars for just that, and cabs to get there would have easily cost
another 40.  We have already stretched ourselves thin buying the sick
little boy, and couldnt afford this greater expenditure.  So... throughout
the night Magic and I snuggled and struggled, I whispered to him how he
just had to make it til 8 am and we would go to our local vet's office.
I told him how he is Magic and can make it, that the sunlight was coming,
and that there were people here on the list that were all waiting to hear
how he was feeling and routing for him to get better.  I told him how he
had to learn how do jump like our Belle, and had to wrestle our Bosley,
how Jack was going to teach him all the neat fun places to hide in the
couch, and how he had to scruff Otto our alpha boy, like he had tried to
do earlier in the day when he was feeling stronger.  We made a deal..
he gets better, and he gets to do all these things, that he would get to
have a raisin as soon as he had his adult teeth (He currently has his baby
fangs and adult teeth, we're hopeing that the baby fangs will come out
soon and not cause trouble) Together we watched the sun come up, and as
time grew closer, I told him soon we would go.  Waking my husband and
son I then called the office and they fit Magic in for 9..  the first
appointment of the day..  when the doctor came in.
In short, well as short as I ever get when Im think tired and running on
as I am, ;)  The vet was GREAT!  It was our first time to this hospital,
but wont be our last.  I told her what had been happening, how Magic had
came to be our baby boy, and I brought samples of his night's stools.  I
also explained to her what I had done throughout the night to keep him
going..  and she was very kind to say that she thought that it was great
I was giving him syrup.  I also told her that the most I had to spend at
this time was around 100 dollars, and she worked up a routine that would
fit in that cost level.  Doing this, she was wonderful and gave him two
shots charging us only for one, (One water under the skin for his
dehydration, the other to stop his throwing up and ease his tummy) gave us
free syringes for feeding, and gave us antibiotics and Nutra cal to keep
his energy up.  She also wrote us a perscription to keep his tummy calm..
as we are concerned he might have an ulcer, *possibly* due to the stress
of being shipped at such a young age.  She checked him over completely,
and relieving me by saying his tummy felt fine.  (When he was weighted at
the office we found out he was only 210 grams..  so you can imagine how
very underweight and tiny he is.) Lastly she suggested buying some hills
brothers A/D to feed him and help get some weight and water into him.
Well, we came home and after administering all his meds and goodies, and
then having a cuddle and sleep together, (Magic snuggled in my shirt
against my heart as I finally crashed for a few hours) he woke me to tell
me it was potty time.  He made a BEAUTIFUL little poop!  It was perfect!
(Feel free to all laugh about me going nuts over a ferret poop..  Im sure
some of you know well how exciting and joyful such a thing is when you
have a sick baby!) He also peed, and ..  NO BLOOD!!!!  YEAH MAGIC!!!
We slept more..  and he ate the food, first off my fingers, and then stuck
his little face in the can and pigged out!!  He has been drinking for the
most part on his own..  though I am still syringing some into him to make
sure he doesnt loose any of that hard fought hydration!!
Well..  Im almost in tears again..  and missing having my Magic man on my
chest (My husband is currently holding him wrapped up in my shawl on his
chest) So I will close here..  He is walking around a little, and looking
SO much more bright eyed!!  He is doing much better!  And I just keep
telling him he's Magic, and he -will- get better and stronger!
Well folks, thats the news from this home's front.  Im sorry if this post
is a little confusing, and horribly run on..  Im a very tired Ferret
Mommy... but also a very happy one.
Thank you to all for your emails and concerns..
Dooks and Hugs
Cheryl and the Magic man.
[Posted in FML issue 3725]