It was a horrific two days.  My Toby began to throw up yesterday, so off
to the vet we went.  He stayed to have a barium study yesterday.  Today
our vet, Dr Middleton, came in to view the morning x-ray even though it
was his day off.  He stayed to remove a partial obstruction of carpet
fiber over one inch long from Toby's stomach.
Now Dr. Middleton was aware that in February, I had two surgeries myself
and a prolonged hospitalization for post op infection.  He was also aware
that I was paying off a $400 plus bill with him bimonthly from the five
ferrets shots and such.  When I talked to him before the surgery he quoted
a $500 surgery fee.  I told him that it didn't matter, that as long as I
could pay him off bimonthly I would move heaven and earth to do it.  He
replied, "we will work with you."
I picked up Toby at noon because he was doing ok enough that I, as a
nurse, could care for him at home.  Along with discharge instructions I
recieved a page and a half invoice of every procedure, x-ray, drug, iv
fluid and every other thing that had been done since yesterday.  Beside
every item was the charge: $0.00.
I owe this man and his Village Animal Hospital everything.  I did before,
but even more so now.  God Bless him.
[Posted in FML issue 3724]