Hello FML,
This discussion of what really goes into pet food could go round and round
forever.  As one person noted, there are reputable companies out there
that do follow USDA regulations and guidelines when it comes to pet food.
However, even our own USDA is known to turn a blind eye on their own
regulations.  There was a woman by the name of Gail Eisnitz who did an
undercover investigation into the meat industry and USDA practices.  Her
findings were unbelievable.  I read her book ("Slaughterhouse, the
Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect & Inhumane Treatment Inside the US Meat
Industry").  I have always questioned authority, and it just confirmed
this by seeing how the USDA "sweeps things under the carpet", covers
their own butts and allows what they allow in our food for human/pet
consumption.  I personally know a man who was in the cattle ranching
business for over 20 years and he has told me stories of how "downers"
(diseased/dead) animals have been sold to the rendering companies for the
pet food industry (which is a billion-dollar industry).  Unfortunately, it
is true that rendering companies do use these animals and also euthanized
companion animals as well.
These days, chickens, pigs, cows, turkeys, etc.  are raised in factory
farms (large confined warehouses) where they are pumped full of steroids
to promote growth for more meat at a faster rate and antibiotics to
promote resistance to all the strains of diseases they get from the
conditions they are raised in.  (I worked for a rescue group who works
with these animals, they suffer horribly from all kinds of ailments and
disfiguring from the factory farm practices).  Anyways, unfortunately,
these animals are raised this way and are part of our every day food
intake for humans and companion animals with the antibiotics, steroids,
etc.  being passed on when the meat is processed.
I don't want to get into a debate about which pet food company is
reputable and which is not, who does what and who does not.  There will
always be "reputable" pet food companies out there, but that doesn't
always mean they offer pet food that doesn't participate in these
practices.  I just wanted to state, that there will always be good/evil
practices where health and food issues are concerned for our fuzzies...
we always want the best for them and I feel as consumers, we should be
educated.  And as we all know, labels can be very misleading.  We have
choices, it is up to us to do the research, ask questions and help each
other out and share the knowledge.
Have a warm *fuzzy* day!
Tracy J.
Tango, Chico, Roo, Spunky & Leah
[Posted in FML issue 3722]