I found the most interesting new treat last night.
I went to PetCo to pick up some FerretVite.  Well, they had no FerretVite
and no FuroVite.  Hmmmm, what to do?
Then I saw this new stuff from 8-in-1 called Toob Snax.  It's in a much
smaller tube than FerretVite for the same price.  But I figured, my ferts
are spoiled anyway, might as well go for it.  There is a cartoon ferret
on the box that is really cute and colorful.  The two flavors offered
were Banana Raisin and Strawberry Vanilla.  So I got the strawberry.
Tested it out as soon as I got home.  GGGGGGGRRRROOOSSSS!  It squeezed
out of the tube the same consistency as toothpaste but was the color of
blood.  Yuk!  But the ferrets went nuts over it.  They climbed all over
each other, trying to shove everyone out of the way to get to the tube.
It was hilarious.  I didn't give them as much as I usually give in
FerretVite and I think they were upset with me about that. :-)
Guess we'll have to try banana raisin too.
Aileen & the Herd
The Ferrets: Kyle, Noel, & Toby
The Dogs: Rootie the beagle, Tank the GSD/basset, & Sarah, the beagle
Still missing Sandy, Gizmo, & Slinky. We love you.
Check out the Herd's website at: http://www.geocities.com/anippy
[Posted in FML issue 3722]