Hi everyone,
First of all, thank you to those that responded to my questions about
vaccinating at home.  Some very good points were brought to my attention
and I appreciate all the input that was sent.
After playing with at least a dozen of Petco's baby ferrets in the last
two months I have a few more questions about these kits.  If they have
been spayed/neutered so recently why is it I never see shaved bellies???
I have seen signs of descenting because on a few of the ferts there was
still blood/scabbing on the rectum, which I was alarmed about.  But I
never see any signs indicating having been spayed/neutered.  They are
Marshall ferrets.
It was a lil funny when I first went to the cage.  On their little "Info
Card" it says when they are awake, what to feed them, lifespan, etc.
Someone had scratched out the "Day" and put "Day & Night" where it says
When They Are Awake and scratched out "kitten food" where they listed
Ferret and kitten foods under What To Feed.  I'd like to meet that
person :-).  LOL
Also, does anyone know where I could find zippered ferret carry sacks?
Websites, catalog, etc?
-Melina & Crew
[Posted in FML issue 3722]