Dooks to Everyone on the FML and may each of you be Blessed by the Great
Creator.  Just wish to say THANK YOU to each of you who sent condolances
over the loss of TIPPY.  I received cards from some of you, but I don't
have your email address to thank you personally (my son got on the
computer, infected the hard drive with a trojan-Horse virus/worm, which
necessitated in wiping the entire harddrive clean and re-installing my
basic programs, thus I lost all email addresses).
I thank God for each of you dear friends.  For when we share JOY, the
joy is multiplied by as many as who read these emails; and when we share
sorrow, the sorrow is divided and spread thin, so that the hurt of the
loss is diminished.
God Bless each and every one of you.
Rev.Ronald L.  Sims,D.D.& Family: 3 hooman-beans owned by 4 ferts, 5
canines, 4 felines & 12 fish
[Posted in FML issue 3721]