There are excellent resources on IBD to be found at the Ferret Health
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list is [log in to unmask] or, better yet, go to for info about it.  BIG]
In the files section, Dr. Mark Burgess has a really good article on IBD,
that I would suggest that you share with your local vet.  Here are the
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IBD can be a very sinister disease and one that is often just brushed off
as just being diarrhea.  It has many systemic effects and can damage the
liver, kidneys, immune system or can lead to megaesophagus or lympho if
not treated aggressively.
Try a bland diet, such as Gerber's baby food.  Some feel IBD is an
allergic reaction to a protein in their food, such as chicken.  You can
try lamb, veal, turkey and beef baby food.  The alternative is to try a
kibble with a novel protein such as rabbit or duck, or an amino acid-based
food like Science Diet Z/D.
Do everything you can, make sure you keep him hydrated by offering
Pedialyte, or if he becomes severely dehydrated, then have your vet show
you how to give sub-q fluid using lactated ringers.  Sometimes, no matter
what you do, you may not be able to get it under control.  I did
everything I could for my BJ, spent close to $1,300 on vet care, and lost
him in December anyway.  You can read about my experience from last year
at the FHL, in the archives, just type in IBD.  There are also posts from
people that were able to successfully treat it, so there is definitely
hope.  Don't give up on trying.  At least if it doesn't work out, then
you can take comfort in knowing that you did all that you could for your
fuzzy.  Sorry to be a bit of a downer, I still miss my little guy and it
still hurts to think of everything we went through.  :-(
Good luck to you....
Ferret hugs,
Dee in NJ
[Posted in FML issue 3721]