>Has anyone heard of Veterinary Pet Insurance, based in CA..  I found an
>ad for them in a magazine.  They offer ferret insurance, but before I
>enroll my ferrets I'd like to find out if anyone has used them, or has
>any information on them.  Thanks,
VPI is a company here in CA not to far from where I live.  They have
come to one of our Ferrets Anonymous meetings to speak, and they will be
speaking again next week at our yearly Round-Up.  I myself have not used
them, as my animals are old with pre-existing condtions.  But I think
they are a honest and reputable company.  They used our ferrets in the
marketing pictures.  That cute little girl in the flyer is my Rosie.
Robin & Doodlebug
Kouri Fan Club...Doodlebug
[Posted in FML issue 3721]