Well Monty is out running around (loves his new HUGE cage) and Hubby is
on the floor (loving his new guitar lol).  Monty ran up to him and started
showering him with kisses!  Hubby asks "why is he kissing me?"  I say
'Because he likes you.'  He looks a little confused.  "Why does he like
me?"  Now every few minutes Monty comes running up to fuzzdaddy (I've
waited so long to be able to call him that!) to get a cuddle!  Anyone
who needs to learn how not to hold a grudge just needs to spend more
time with their fuzzmops!
PS- I think Monty is a peuter mitt, that's closest coloring I've seen to
Amanda and Monty the Wonderweasle
Have you lost your mind?  Better check your ferrets hidey hole!
a) Have you lost your mind?
b) Do you have a ferret?
If you answered yes to both these questions...... LOOK BEHIND THE COUCH!
[Posted in FML issue 3716]