Every day for the last week I hear a sound.  A noise.  At first I did not
know what it was.  Now I do.  It is a soft thud clank noise.  Then a fizz
noise.  Every day.
Why do I think it is safe?  Why do I always put it there to make sure no
one tips it over the edge to spill on the floor?  How does she get there?
How do you climb up a stove?
Some have a Budweiser ferret.  But it is only a cheap imitation.  A homely
stuffed thing at best.  Go for the gusto?  Hey: I have the real thing.  A
diet Dr. Pepper Pooper.
Our motto-
"Push it over the edge.
Take the plunge.
Dr. Pepper."
[Posted in FML issue 3716]