You know i was thinking.  The FML is a lot like a forrest after a long
drought.  It only takes one spark to set it ablaze.  When the whole
situation with Monty began, I was absolutly amazed at the flow of
compassion and support shown by the list.  Then one day a couple of sparks
flew then...WOOSH!  The whole list was up in flames!  (pardon the pun)  A
normal behavior for a toddler somehow magages to turn my son into a crazed
killer and a few negative comments made by my husband suddenly makes him
a violent and abusive man!!  What started out as a rocky uncertain time
has turned into a life or death saga!  I came seeking advice on the best
course of action, compassion turned to flames for asking if finding a new
home for Monty was the best thing to do, the strongest advice was 'make
that a last resort', but when I did try other methods, I got flammed for
not giving him up.  I realize now that once the list gets started, there
is nothing I could possibly do, whatever I did would evoke flamidg from
someone.  I know that everyone is acting out of concern for Monty, but
when advice becomes based on rumor not fact, that can hurt the fuzzies
more than help them.  I realize that posting before I knew exactly what
was going on was not the smartest thing to do, but I am the sole fuzzlover
in my family and I like to be connected to others.  I understand where the
hostility is comming from, to those who do not know or understand the
situation, it is easy to make assumptions, it just concerns me, I already
know a good deal about ferrets, but what if someone who knew absolutely
nothing came on here looking for advice, got flamed and left the list.
What might happen to their fuzzies?  I know compared to woozles, hoomans
are a primitive and mundane species, but sometimes a little understanding
and patience towards the people who take care of the ferrets is the best
way to help them.
Once again, I would like to thank all of those wonderful people who have
shown their love and concern for Monty even if it ruffled some hooman
Amanda and Monty the shoehound
Have you lost your mind?  Better check your ferrets hidey hole!
[Posted in FML issue 3715]