I am not even going to entertain some of you with responces to the few
posts put up about the mental health of me or my son.  Seems to me that
we arn't the ones who need a psychologist.  To those who are upset I have
not returned e-mails, I try to reply to as many as possible but I am
getting a truckload of e-mails both positive and negative and it's a
little hard to keep them all straite.  Please e-mail me again, I will get
back to you.
I want to thank all of you how have shown compassion and support for
Monty, even if messages got mixed up or misunderstood.  Some people deal
better with animals than they do with people, that's no fault, I do too.
But in a situation like this tack is appreciated.  There is one more thing
I want to try before making the final decision.  My doctor is concidering
trying a new brand of antidepressants that will help with both depression
and GFS.  She also did new blood tests which revealed i am extreamly
aneimic (not much iron in my blood) which could also be responcible for
my chronic fatigue.  So she put me on iron pills as well.  I want to
give this new medication a chance to work before I make any permenant
decisions.  Monty is one of the few joys in my life and if I give him
up, only to discover after changing my meds that it was just a temporary
thing that was causing most of the problems, well, those who know what
depression can do to you can understand.
However, if after if things still are as bad, then I will find a new home
for Monty because I want the best for him, and if I can not give it to
him, then he desurves someone who can.  And if someone cannot understand
that, then that is their problem.
RANDY, I appreciate very much your concern for Monty, LYNDA you too.  If
things do not improve, I would like Lynda to have Monty.  This is in no
way saying I do not trust Randy, I think FAST is a wonderfull organisation
(please give Harley big hugs) it's just I have talked with Lynda before
and know Monty would be happy with her.  And huge hugs to all who offered
to take Monty into their hearts and homes!
For those who showed support for me and/or Monty, thank you, and for those
who just want to flame, get a life.
Amanda and the amazing Montabello ferret
"Have you lost your mind? Better check your ferrets hidey hole!"
[Posted in FML issue 3714]