Hi All
I have not posted in for ever....lol... Some of you know me but for those
who don't here goes.  I have been a shelter Mom in New Mexico for about
7years now.  I really consider myself a hospice.  I was very lucky when I
started the shelter to meet and become good friends with my Vet, with her
encouragement I became a Vet Tech.  That has allowed me to take in some of
the sick ferrets from the other shelters here in NM.  In turn they take
the health ones and find good homes.  Due to the kindness of the three
Vets I worked for I received low cost medical care and a lot of freebies.
Now for the bad news.  Due to my Mothers illness I'm having to drive back
and fourth from here to Texas, I can know longer work full time.  They
have worked very hard to give me what ever hours I can work.  Most of my
meds.  and supplies I get at cost.  But now with the cut in the hours I
can work has hit me hard.
Now for the sell.....lol...... I'm dejunking my home.  I have listed 21
back issues Ferrets Magazines on E-Bay and will be adding Modern Ferrets
soon.  Also what ever else I can find....lol... Please take a look.  I'm
selling under Fzzyferret and Please over look the bad pictures<G> that
was my first try.  The Item # 2008088896
Thank You All
God Bless you and Yours
Eydie Fox
Ferrets First of NM
[Posted in FML issue 3714]