It sounds like your ferret is starting to show signs of low blood sugar
(ie insulinoma).  The first step is to have Belle's blood sugar checked.
If it is low then it is time to start treating her with either surgery or
medically.  No, the pediapred will not cause a problem with her right
adrenal gland, but the itchy skin and hair loss sounds like she may have
adrenal gland disease in her right adrenal gland now.  Thus it is time
to consider surgey to remove her right adrenal gland or to treat her
medically (Lupron, melatonin).  If she is a healthy 5.5 years old then
surgery is the way to go.  You can take the right adrenal gland out and
part of her pancreas out at the same time.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3738]