Hello Everyone, I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and
purchases to help 2 of our Ferts (Hondo and Mams) through the ordeal.
Unfortunetly Hondo was opened up and found to have the tumor adhered to
all his major organs and even cryrosurgery was not an option.  The Dr
said intestines were involved too and better to leave him be.  His tumor
had grown quickly.  He may have a couple months left which we are looking
into options to aid him from discomfort.( Possibly Lupron)  We are broken
up but will continue to give him the best (as he and all Ferts deserve.)
On the other hand Mams formed an infection on her lip after swollen face
occured and she was biopsied, lumps removed and we will know in about a
week what the results.  Both kids are doing good in recovery as Mommy and
Daddy (us) handle aftercare.  Please continue to keep all Ferts in your
Thank you,
[Posted in FML issue 3738]