Perro Loco shared the problem with us of the ferrets being banned in New
Zealand the other day.  He wrote snail mail to
The New Zealand Herald
PO Box 32
New Zealand
He suggested that we write that the ban does not address the real problem
of feral predators-mustilids and others.
As a member of a large international ferret owners group, I encourage
all members to immediately boycott all import from New Zealand-tourism,
movies, television entertainment, wool, wool products, foodstuffs, etc.
Hopefully in the near future, the label "made in New Zealand" will become
a warning to others as a product to avoid.
This boycott by our members may not significantly affect the economy of
New Zealand.  But we hope that it becomes noticeable.
Please write any other things important to reach New Zealand immediately
on this list and others-perhaps that domestic ferrets cannot survive in
the wild.  I am just passing on a version of what Perro sent.  Some of
the writing skill on this list has me awestruck.
Ferrets magazine just came out, and covered the 5 ferrets on the beach
on leashes in New Zealand that may have set off this ban, CJ-the Vegas
shelter with 90 some ferrets (I believe), Greater Chicago Ferret
Society!!!!!! with pictures, White Russian, The 2002 Ferret Symposium,
Wolfy, the passed law in Illinois that prevents collectors, a site to
send ECE samples, the greatest achievement for ferrets I can recall due
to Alicia of Ferretwise that has set a precedence in the law now, a
picture of Troy Lynn, the discussion of ADV--which is being ignored in
Illinois by my vets-how to become a nonprofit, and pictures of many
ferrets.More articles to read.  Though in reality I could have soaked up
about a hundred more little faces and lanky fur bodies.
Lost my breakfast.  Flu Back to bed.
[Posted in FML issue 3738]