Hey shelters!  My Mom makes da best hammocks.  I know cuz I LOVE to dig,
dig, dig in them.  My Mom loves to donate hammocks to ferret shelters.
Dat's right you can get our lovey hammocks for free.  We have a blue one
in our cage now and had a Valentine's Day one earlier this month.  My Mom
likes to help.  All you have to do is contact her and tell her how many
fuzzies ya gots.  The more fuzzies you have the more hammies and sleep
sacks (we throw them on the floor so Bella can drag it to her basket to
sleep) da Mom will make.  The only thing is Mom can't guarantee the print
(something about sales).  All I know is if she saves money on dat we get
more toys and treats so you get what ya gets : ).  I gots to be going.  I
have to order from the ferret store now through www.igive.com so a shelter
in NJ gets the profits.  Ya know what else to sign up is free and we all
know we shop at the ferret store.
Snoopy signing out
Hey Buster that's MY N-bone
Check out SOS's new website address:
Every donation helps... even ONE dollar.  So send a dollar to SOS or your
local shelter today :  ).
Interested in a ferret club in NJ?  Check out www.metroferret.org
[Posted in FML issue 3708]