Some of the same people who wouldn't stand for criticism of Modern Ferret
have nevertheless made snide comments about "Ferrets" magazine.  "Ferrets"
has published some of the same writers as Modern Ferret, so I'm not sure
what remarks about bad writing are implying.  There is an awful lot to be
said for a magazine that keeps its contract with customers and delivers
its product promptly.
I'm imagining a new ferret owner who has subscribed to Modern Ferret, and
another who chose Ferrets magazine.  True, the second one isn't getting
this month's "Mary's Page" or the "Ferreted Fairy Tale", but they ARE
getting ferret information and they are getting it regularly, and that
might really make a difference in their ferret's health or safety, which
is the main idea behind an informative ferret publication (at least I
thought so).
Both ferret magazines have published reader testimonials, praising them
for offering information that saved their ferret's life.  People subscribe
to magazines because they need and want information about a certain topic
regularly and want to keep up on current issues, not because they hope to
get a magazine "someday".  Some Modern Ferret subscribers just want
relevant, current information about FERRETS.  In the last few issues,
Modern Ferret is a magazine about PEOPLE who have ferrets, rather than
being about ferrets.  Some people may be OK with that and even like it,
but it's not billed as a magazine about ferret-owners, so people who were
expecting a magazine about ferrets have been disappointed.  I know I was.
Why isn't it OK to be disappointed with Modern Ferret??  When did it
become this untouchable icon that no one can say a word against??
At least the subscribers of "Ferrets" magazine are still getting regular
info and getting the product they paid for in a reasonable amount of time.
According to its own readers it has saved ferrets' lives by alerting their
owners to dangers, health hazards, and signs of illness and disease.  They
have ferret information and updates on health and care, which is the
reason some people subscribe to a ferret magazine.
I did not stop subscribing to Modern Ferret because Ferrets magazine came
along.  I stopped subscribing because Modern Ferret wanted more of my
money for less and less of a magazine, that they would send to me when
they got around to putting it together.  That was not an arrangement I
was willing to pay for.  Fortunatately, I knew from past experience that
delivery was intermittant and sometimes delayed extensively and that the
content was slipping, and I could make an informed decision as to whether
or not I wanted to accept that shaky promise.  People who bought a new
subscription in the last few months are disappointed, and they have a
right to be.  They were not given any reason to think that Modern Ferret
was anything other than a professional product that would be delivered if
they paid for it.
I don't wish to "keep it going" on the FML, so close to Easter as well,
but I thought "Ferrets" magazine deserved a little defense.  Why does
Modern Ferret's hiatus and decline in content call another magazine's
motives and writing into question??
Hope all's well with everyone, and please have a happy and safe Easter!
-Heather W.
[Posted in FML issue 3737]