>I have seen ones that only have the barrel, and a plunger, that is one
>piece of molded plastic.  These seem to last longer than the rubber
>plungers, and are easier to clean.
The BEST control (to avoid inhalation pneumonia) is just to use a tiny
bottle iwth the tip cut off to be wider.  Second best are the clown faced
accordian top one made by Apothecary Products in Minneapolis 55337.
<[log in to unmask]> is hte addy they have on their advertising we have
formn a few years ago (may have changed it since then so you may have the
web-search).  It is called Item #67032, Dr. Clown 1 tsp.  Spoon-dropper .
It is approaching April 15th, so just a reminder.  Donors can deduct
donations to 501(c) -- if I recall the federal designation right
charities, but non-profit does not mean the same thing.  (Still great to
give, just that ones without the federal designation can't be included in
dedcutible donations).
Yes, "business" is the correct name for a group of ferrets, and its much
older spelling of "busyness" is also accepted and gets it across well.
We've rehabbed a lot of biters during the 20 years tghat ferrets have ben
in our family (We aadopt a number with medical problems, deformities, or
abusive pasts) and the first rule we have is to NOT hurt and not scare.
The seocnd is to observe closely.  There may be things you can alter.  If
the ferret is hard of hearing or has partial hearing you can go to floor
thumps/hand signs, etc.  or speaking in a higher or lower tone.  Medical
problems can cause biting due to pain; the ferret's health and teeth
should be checked by vet.  One of our's was afraid of oil cloth, males nad
shoes, so we worked around that.  One who was more afraid of shoes was
moved to the HIGH cage (as per earlier success in this by Julia Q.) so
that he didn't even have to see shoes.  We let the ones who hated shoes
rip shoes apart to feel better, and ditto the oil cloth.  You just have to
do stuff like that when there is a strong need.  The hardest one we had to
teach was severely intellectually challanged as well as having numerous
deformities, some of which were painful adn required special care.  She
was described in several things writen about her by experts as things
equivlaent to "borderline survivable" in health.  It took her three years
to stop biting.  At that time she finally realized (with MUCH repitition
of very restricted vocabulary) that words MEAN SOMETHING and she utilized
the few she grasped very well.  ("Down?" BUmping for "yes" or her pointing
down soput down, "chest fix"?  Bumping for yes so given her asthma meds,
etc.)  She even figured out that the times-out were to calm her down when
she got overly excited and she began givng herself times out by moving
away and trning her face away and then just lying down for a while before
she again interacted with us.  She lived well beyond anyone's
expectations, making it to the age of 6 when she passed away form
simultaneously getting about 8 spearate medical conditions, most of which
could be terminal: cardiomyopathy, insulinoma, heart tumor, etc., etc,
ALexandra:   BRAVO!
Sukie ( the oxygen deprived...)
[Posted in FML issue 3737]