I am surprised that the Shefferman's seem to be above reprimand because
they are of the "ferret community".  And wasn't there JUST a discussion
on the FML about a person who won an E-bay auction and didn't receive the
goods after making payment????  Can someone explain the difference between
THAT and MF?  Oh, wait!  Is it okay for the Shefferman's because Eric is
sick?  or is it because they are of the "ferret community"?
I've been reading the Modern Ferret Debate with some interest.  While I
did not subscribe to MF, I DID buy it from the newsstand a few times after
being told things such as "high quality educational, ***FUN***, I repeat
FUN magazine here that helps ferrets".  The first issue I picked up wasn't
impressive in that it lacked professionalism.  I felt like I was reading
a *personal* diary complete with photos.  I thought that maybe it was
a fluke so I bought the next issue... again, less than professional in
content.  Honestly, I don't CARE what color Mary's hair is this month and
I don't care that Eric thinks she looks good in this photo or that dress!
Then there was the Halloween issue with the controversial photos with
Harry Anderson.  It was at that time that I threw up my hands.  These
people just don't get it!
Now reading the recent posts regarding lack of timely printing and
distribution, I am relieved that I didn't send them any of MY hard-earned
money and I feel COMPASSION for those that did!
Folks, it is unacceptable business practice (and illegal) to accept money
and not deliver the goods.  It's ILLEGAL to charge a credit card and not
deliver the goods.  That is called fraud!  I imagine that the Shefferman's
personal lives and financial situation could get *much* worse if people
started holding them accountable for their (lack of) actions.
I am not lacking compassion for Eric's problems but the world keeps
spinning and time keeps ticking.  It's time for Eric and Mary to show
some INTEGRITY, character, honor, and business sense.... they should
either refund money or deliver the magazines or send PERSONAL notes to
all they have left hanging.  And why were they still accepting money when
they knew that they could not deliver a magazine?
As for Lisette... Lisette, I am so sorry that you were the recipient
of such abominable mail!  What was written to/about you was totally
unacceptable and reprehensible!
I whole-heartedly agree with Steve Godun who said, "First, let's put to
rest this whole thing about ferret owners having compassion (or not).
I've read several messages for which the general sentiment seems to be
"if you were a REAL ferret owner then you'd have more compassion and
understanding".  Levels of compassion and understanding have NOTHING to do
with what sort of animal you share your home with!  Compassion is defined
as "Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to
relieve it." --- says nothing about deep awareness being directly related
to ferret ownership!
[Posted in FML issue 3736]