>From:    Steve Godun <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Doritos "Fur Coat" Ferret Commercial Redux
First off - THANKS STEVE!  Wonderful quality - much better than Doritos'
>"ferritos_medium.mov" is sampled at 480x360 @ 24 frames per second,
>compressed with H.263, with a 22.05 kHz 16-bit stereo sound track in IMA
>4:1.  File size is 3.2 MB.
>"ferritos_small.mov" is the original file I posted yesterday, renamed.  It
>is sampled at 320x240 @ 15 frames per second, compressed with H.263, with
>a 22.05 kHz 16-bit stereo sound track in IMA 4:1.  File size is 2.3 MB.
For some reason I cannot save either of these files.  Does somebody have
one saved that they can send me?  I know it is a big file, but I am
desperate!  Thanks!
Amy Flemming
[Posted in FML issue 3736]